September 10, 2018
Meet Nicky Postan, Audit Principal at LDB Group

Nicky Postan leads a team of passionate professionals, with a focus on auditing, risk management and forensic accounting, among other specialities.
She’s also a keen tennis spectator and has a penchant for a particularly enticing puzzle game.
Find out more about LDB’s Audit Principal Nicky Postan below.
1) What attracted you to a career in accounting? How did you end up at LDB?
I have always loved numbers and was fascinated with accounting when I started studying it at school. I worked at large and mid-tier firms and always preferred the mid-tier firm environment. I was introduced to LDB through someone I knew, and the opportunity presented was in line with what I was looking for.
2) What’s your area of expertise?
Assurance and advisory – more specifically: auditing, review and assessment of internal controls, risk management, forensic accounting and due diligence work.
3) What do your love about your job?
I enjoy working with different clients in different industries and being able to add value to the clients.
4) What are the main benefits that auditing provides to clients?
Auditing gives the client peace of mind knowing someone outside of the organisation is ‘looking/monitoring’. Auditing offers appropriate and effective business recommendations specific to the organisation to assist in increasing financial reliability and integrity.
5) What are your hobbies outside of work?
Spending time with my husband and kids, riding around the neighbourhood, watching tennis, listening to music and playing Candy Crush.
6) What was your best holiday ever? Why was it so good?
It’s hard to pick just one but going to Disney World was unbelievable – I felt like a child again. And our trip to Europe with our then two-year-old child was outstanding. The culture, the people, the sites and the food were unforgettable.